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Good to know

3 things to do and not do in Barcelona

Barcelona is one of the most popular destinations in Europe. There are lots of reasons for this city craze: the excellent quality of its Mediterranean gastronomy, wine, culture, nightlife, and climate, to name a few. Like any touristic city, Barcelona also has its issues. You must remain vigilant at all times not to fall into the most common tourist traps.

Three things to do when in Barcelona

1. Remember to book your accommodation in advance.

Photo credit: MoToMo via Visual Hunt / CC BY-SA

Photo credit: MoToMo via Visual Hunt / CC BY-SA

There are several conferences that take place in Barcelona, including the Mobile World Congress, which raises the prices considerably close to the event’s dates. Barcelona is far from lacking accommodation: you just have to plan your trip ahead in order to not pay the double than it should cost.

2. Be aware of your belongings – you don’t want to become another victim of pickpockets.

Do not pay attention to a person who gesticulates next to you while talking incomprehensible gibberish. This is a known technique to confuse you and steal your wallet. Another tip when trying to get on a subway: if someone blocks your access, get in on another section of the vehicle or wait for the next one to come by. They run every 5 minutes and if you miss one, another will arrive soon enough.

3. Try the local cuisine

Barcelona offers one of the best cuisines in the world and the best wines of Spain such as Cava. Feel free to get started and to try something new: many specialties are served as tapas. These are small portions that you can share, so you can taste several types of food.

Related article: The best tapas bar in Barcelona

Three things to avoid in Barcelona

1. Booking a flight to Girona thinking you will arrive in the heart of Barcelona.

Photo via Visualhunt

Photo via Visualhunt

Even if this low-cost airport is well served by shuttle buses, it is not the most convenient way to get to the Catalan capital. However, if you have time, it’s an opportunity to visit the beautiful city of Girona before going to Barcelona. Just remember to check which airport you land in, to avoid any unpleasant surprises.

2. Shopping in a big mall.

Barcelona has a large number of shops in the small streets near the major avenues of the city. You can come across good deals if you avoid the tourist areas. Shopping centers do not reflect the soul of the Catalan capital.

3. Walking down the street with a bottle of wine or beer in your hand.

Don’t do elsewhere what you would not do at home. The police will punish you with a fine if you drink alcohol in the street. The fine can go up to 600€ for non-residents.

Related article: Best streets to go shopping in Barcelona

About the author

Mae-Lise De Sousa

Barcelona is Maé-Lise's favorite city in all of Europe. Her articles in ShBarcelona share her journey through the Catalan capital.

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