Today’s article by ShBarcelona is about the fact that many people want to buy a home in Barcelona in 2020. A large group of tenants is considering buying property this year, because owning your own house comes with a more secure feeling.
The main obstacle that is preventing this group from doing so, however, is the lack of savings, which is needed to be granted a mortgage. The amount of savings we are talking about here is usually around 20% of the price of the property.
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How to buy your own property in Barcelona in 2020

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Young people being able to buy their first home could be key to the real estate industry’s ability to move forward, and although everyone having access to the housing market is very important, this is not an easy task.
So that is why the real estate industry is looking for a way for this group to invest in affordable housing, despite not having (enough) savings, which is a direct result of low wages. Property developers are doing what they can to allow for more affordable housing to be built, but the financial sector will also have to play its role, by providing a way of financing the initial entry fees.
Many young people are able to pay for their monthly mortgage instalment, but what is lacking is enough savings to pay for the initial 20% that is required at the time of purchase. For this reason alone, people should start saving at a very young age and with consistency to be able to buy a house later in life.
Social housing (Viviendas de Protección Oficial en Barcelona) was introduced so that the most disadvantaged people could have access to housing without problems. The fundamental advantage of this initiative is, as everyone probably knows, its price, which is below market value. In addition to this, there are also financial aids to make a purchase possible.
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If you are in need of social housing, then the first thing to do is to register at the Barcelona Social Housing Applicants Register. Be aware that upon registering you must meet the following requirements:
- You must be of legal age or a legally emancipated minor.
- You must be registered in Barcelona and reside in the city.
- You are in need for a home, either because you do not have one now, or because the one you do have is not suitable for living.
- You are not earning more than the maximum income permitted by the social housing’s regulations.
To find out more about the next register application periods, you can visit any of Barcelona’s City Council Housing Offices or visit the website. Another option for people who need housing at a more affordable price, and who are already registered in Barcelona’s Social Housing Register, is to contact property developers directly.
Property developers can offer housing, based on properties that have become vacant after the Housing Consortium’s processes have been carried out. These private agents put housing on the market and distribute it.
The main requirement is to be registered, although developers can also ask you to meet other requirements. If you need more information, just check out what is available with the Instituto Municipal de la Vivienda y Rehabilitación de Barcelona.
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