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Arts & Culture

Best Art Schools in Barcelona

Written by Emma

If you have a talent and passion for creating art or you’re looking to broaden your knowledge and skills, then why not consider taking an art course in one of the most inspiring cities in the world?

  • rental apartments in Barcelona


Here in Barcelona, there are many fantastic art colleges to choose from, offering a wide range of subject areas and course types. Here’s a selection of the top six art schools for you to consider.

A list of the best creative and art schools in Barcelona

Universitat de Barcelona – School of Fine Arts in Barcelona

If you are serious about studying art and you are fluent in Spanish, the Universitat de Barcelona’s faculty of Fine Arts may be the place for you. Here you can complete undergraduate studies in the areas of conservation and restoration, fine arts or design.

Universitat de barcelona

Photo via Visualhunt

If you have already completed an art degree, the University also invites art graduates from different parts of the world to attend and broaden their experience in a huge range of areas such as urban design, visual arts, education and approaches to realism.

Similarly, you can continue your education with one of the University’s award-winning doctoral programmes. The University of Barcelona is the top rated University in Spain with a very high level of student satisfaction.

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Barcelona Academy of Art

If you are interested in something less intensive, the Barcelona Academy of Art is more flexible but still highly rated, with the best professional tutors. The academy offers a range of programs in drawing, painting, sculpture and digital art which can be taken as an intensive or part-time course.

sculpting, pottery

Photo via Pixabay

The academy also offers special Easter and summer courses. A great selling point for this academy is that those who complete the intensive course are given the incredible opportunity to enrol in the academy’s residency program.

The residency program gives students a chance to focus on their artistic voice, in an environment where they will mix with and gain knowledge and advice from professional artists – a unique opportunity not to be missed.

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IED Barcelona

This college also offers more flexibility in terms of study options, with a refreshing range of modern art courses focused on design. At IED Barcelona you can choose from graphic design, motion graphics and video, interior design and product design.


Photo via Pixabay

If you are more interested in shorter courses, this college offers summer courses and one-year courses alongside the usual undergraduate, postgraduate and masters degrees. IED Barcelona is great for those with an interest in creative industries and a less classical approach to art studies.

Estudio Nómada Barcelona

Estudio Nómada Barcelona takes a very hands-on and exciting approach to art studies, encouraging their students to “live” art and focus on their own creative development.

The academy gives students the incredible opportunity to have their own studio and put on exhibitions while tutorials and courses involve guidance in recognising your personal artistic style and how to develop it.

Painter, art college

Photo via Visualhunt

This college has an extremely international and dynamic environment, led by local artists looking to harness other’s creativity. Estudio Nómada also offers a residency program where students are sent to a wine estate in the Penedes to focus on their work.

The courses at Estudio Nómada are probably the shortest of all the courses mentioned, as well as the most flexible, being as short as two months if preferred, but ideally around six months.

The ultimate goal of this college is for you to create a beautiful portfolio ready to set you off into the world of professional art.

Related article: All About the University of Barcelona 

BAU Design College of Barcelona

BAU is another art college focused on creative industries, offering degrees in graphics, audiovisuals, interior space design and fashion design.

Unlike other colleges, a degree at BAU involves an external internship, an unbeatable opportunity to put studies into practice in a professional environment and to ready students for the creative industry job market.

floor design

Photo via Pixabay

To complement the regular studies, BAU design college holds an optional summer university made up of workshops and cultural activities to supplement students’ skills and knowledge. This college is a great option for anyone looking for studies that will give them real work experience.

In addition to these five art colleges, you can check out Metàfora, a international fine arts college in the Ciudad Condal that offers full studio courses and specialized art therapy courses for students from all over the world, many of which are taught in English. You can attend for anywhere between six weeks and four years.

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Davinci Art School

Lastly, you can check out Davinci Art School, a small intensive art school in the Gothic quarter that offers introductory courses in drawing, watercolor and oil painting, and more.

What are the best art schools in Spain according to you?
Is one of them in Barcelona?
Share your thoughts!

About the author


Emma is a psychology student and writer with an interest in art, travel, culture, food and wine.


    • Yes! I’m an ex-student now working as a curator and I loved the experience. I’d strongly recommend it!

  • Hi Emma Good Blog and easy to follow. Barcelona is an amazing city for art and architecture. I am an artist now based in Sant Quirze Safaja but still have links with London where I lived and worked since 1989.
    I have an academic qualification in art and my work is in photography, collage and moving image. I can offer one to one sessions in contemporary art practice (spoken in english, although I have some basic catalan) either as a mentor or within a small group conversation.
    Best regards

    Shelley Theodore

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