Exercising improves your quality of life. It helps the circulation, helps to burn fat, increase resistance, flexibility and strength. Some people practice some form of exercise regularly, while others need a little push to start exercising. Whatever your case is, now is the right time to commit to a healthy regimen – Summer is just around the corner which means it’s time to start getting in shape for bathing suit season.
If you are strapped for cash but would really like to start exercising, try one of the many free exercise apps available to download. They will help you get your body moving and keep track of your progress. Here are our suggestions:
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Table of Contents

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8Fit is a great exercise app created by a man called Pablo Villalba, who decided to take an informed approach to fitness. He learned about nutrition and exercise and developed a plan that helped him reduce a number of sizes in a space of only a few months. 8Fit is an app for both beginners and experienced athletes due to the fact that it can be adjusted to each user’s preferences and physical shape. 8Fit also tackles nutrition, offering high a protein diet plan that significantly improves energy levels and fat loss, and one-on-one coaching sessions with professional trainers. These two features, though, are paid.
Runtastic is a health and fitness community that helps people exercise and keep motivated while doing it. They have a variety of apps, some free and some paid, that cover a series of activities like cycling, running, walking, doing push-ups, sit-ups, squats, pull-ups and more. They even have specific apps for developing a six pack or helping to shape your butt. Explore Runtastic’s app page and discover which app is the best for you.
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Runkeeper is a smart free app for those who want to track their progress on runs, walks, cycling or any kind of activity that gets their body moving. The app offers users the possibility of creating personalized exercise plans that fit every schedule and you can set reminders that will encourage you to keep active. The app also allows users to set goals, to help those who want to, for example, loose a certain amount of weight, or train for a certain sporting event. The app helps users to keep motivated by issuing challenges, offering rewards and other features. There’s even the very handy feature of integrating Spotify into your routine, which is great since music is an excellent motivator.
Daily Workouts
Daily Workouts is an app that offers some free and some paid features for those who want to exercise at home. They offer a variety of workout plans for men and women, which can last from 5 to 30 minutes, focusing on abs, arms, buttocks, and legs. They also have full body workout plans and cardio workouts. You will see videos of each exercise so that you know you are performing them correctly.
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