Acupuncture originates from Traditional Chinese Medicine where thin needles are inserted into certain points of the body in order to stimulate them. It is one of the most popular Traditional Chinese Medicine methods in the West to alleviate pain and stress-related symptoms. Here we give you a list of where you can go to receive acupuncture treatment in Gràcia.
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Acupuntura BCN
Acupuntura BCN uses the latest technology in providing acupuncture. Using meridian energetic techniques, they can quickly evaluate the energy balance of the body. The centre is founded by Dr. Juan Manuel Campos who has had a long and successful career in hospital medicine with a Masters in Acupuncture from the University of Barcelona, so you know you’re in good hands. When you visit the centre, you will first receive a diagnosis with a personal interview and energy study, before treatment commences with usually 4 to 6 sessions. Address: Carrer Gran de Gràcia, 16
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Acupuntura Viu
Acupuntura Viu specialises in Traditional Chinese Medicine, Shiatsu and Chi Kung. Olga Viu has been working in Traditional Chinese Medicine and alternative therapies for 22 years. She is a member of the Acupunctures Association in Spain and also works in Shiatsu massages, foot reflexology, Bach flowers and Chi-Kung. Address: Carrer de Verntallat, 48.
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Centres de Teràpies Darshan
Centres de Teràpies Darshan specialises in anatomical acupuncture to help relieve pain and treat the source of the pain in natural way. It can help to treat many musculoskeletal and neurological issues including shoulder and knee joint problems, muscular contractions and connective tissues problems. The centre also offers group yoga, Pilates and mindfulness sessions. Address: Rambla del Prat, 7, Entresòl, 1.
Are you looking for acupuncture sessions in Gràcia or around Barcelona? Let us know if you have any questions by commenting below.
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