Looking for work in Barcelona can be difficult, but in order to get that first interview, you need to be well prepared by creating a great resume. So here are some tips to help you with that all-important CV.
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Table of Contents

Photo via Pexels
One of the main differences with resumes in Spain is that you need to include a photo. It obviously has to be professional, not a photo from your last night out when you managed to down a pint in under a minute. Use a plain background and make sure it doesn’t take up the whole page. A passport-sized headshot is perfect.
Personal Information
As for every CV you need to add personal information and your contact details, but Spanish CV’s tend to include more details such as your date of birth.
Resume in Spanish
If you’re a non-native Spanish speaker and are writing your resume in Spanish, get a native speaker to proofread it for you. This will avoid a potential employer finding mistakes. Such errors distract employers from your application and you can come across as unprofessional.
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Basic Resume Tips

Photo via Unsplash
Make sure that your resume is clear and easy to read. Most employers receive hundreds of CV’s and will only take a few seconds to look at yours, so make sure they can easily find the key information and what you want to highlight about yourself and your experience. Create clear headings and sections and highlight any keywords in bold. You can always find plenty of resume templates online or you can use the Europass format.
Avoid using overcomplicated and flowery language. Get to the point and use simple phrases. Bullet points are your best friend when it comes to simplifying your main tasks and responsibilities for previous positions.
Limit your resume to one page or at the most two pages and don’t forget to personalize your CV for each position you apply for. This way, you only show your experience that is relevant for that particular position. Plus, the employer doesn’t want to see every single job that you’ve ever had, they’re looking for evidence that you fit the role and what skills you can transfer to that particular job. It also proves that you’ve taken the effort to apply for that role and not just sent out a generic CV.
Are you looking for work in Barcelona? Wanting to create that perfect CV? Let us know by commenting below!
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