However as you will soon discover if you do a little research on what to do in Barcelona this is one place that all trip sites recommend you visit. As you will soon discover there is much to see and enjoy as you take time out to explore this amazing place. In fact of all the parks in Barcelona you will find that this is extremely popular as not only is it family friendly but also dog-friendly as well.
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Remarkable Buildings
If you do decide to take in the pleasures of this particular location then might I suggest you start on the south western side of the park. Here you will see the first of some of the most remarkable buildings you are ever likely to find in the whole of Barcelona.
The first building you will come across in this recreation park is that known as the Castle of the Three Dragons (Castell dels Tres Dragons). Within its walls is housed the city’s zoological museum and is an early of modernism architecture. This particular structure is a good example of how different styles and techniques can be combined together to make some truly unique and amazing looking buildings.
Then next to this building is located the winter garden Hivernacle (L’Hivernacle). This pavilion was designed by the architect Josep Amargós and is made from glass and cast iron. It is a particular nice spot in the summer to stop and enjoy a coffee or something a little more cooling. Plus during the summer a number of jazz concerts are held at this location.
A stroll through Parc Ciutadella
As you stroll on through Parc Ciutadella you will come across a green house (Umbracle) that is home to a wide variety of shade loving plants. If you can spend some time exploring the plants that are housed in this wood brick structure. Like so many of the structures we have discussed above this one was built in time for the World Exposition that took place in the city in 1888.
After exploring these buildings you may want to explore further a field and there are plenty of places online including here that offer advice about where to go in Barcelona. All of which hope to ensure that your time in this amazing city proves to be a very enjoyable experience.
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