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Our suggestions

Coolest places to take photos in Barcelona

Written by Paula

Barcelona is a fascinating place. There is so much to see, so many things happening at once, that you feel like you want to capture it all and take it with you when you leave. Before you step out to explore the city, be sure to equip your camera with a large memory card, because you won’t be able to stop shooting.

Everyone who knows Gaudí, knows that his works are the object of hundreds of thousands of pictures every year, by the hands of locals and tourists. The artist’s avant-garde take on architecture has been enchanting people for over a century, making him one of the most famous architects in history.

photo barcelonaSagrada Familía

Declared World Heritage by UNESCO, Sagrada Familía is the single most visited monument in Barcelona. Combining Gothic architecture with Art Noveau, Gaudí created a masterpiece of epic proportions, with a particularly intricate façade and gorgeous stained-glass windows.

Casa Batlló

Located at the center of Barcelona, Casa Batlló is one of Gaudí’s most famous works. Filled with shapes and textures connected to the sea, the building is a photographer’s paradise, complete with a colorful dragon-scale roof.

Related article: Photography classes in Barcelona|Click!

Park Güell

Gorgeous tiles and incredible shapes are some of the main attractions of the park created by Gaudí. You can not only photograph the architect’s work, but also the wonderful views of Barcelona.   

But Barcelona is not only Gaudí. There are other of places to visit for good photos.

Mercado de la Boqueria

La Boqueria is one of the most lively places in Barcelona, a beautiful market with more than a century of existence. You will be delighted by the colors in the fruit and vegetable section, fascinated by the shapes in the meat section, and possibly horrified by the fried insect section.


Colorful rides and gorgeous views, want a better combination? Explore the mountain with a hike and visit the amusement park for a fun-filled afternoon and dozens of pictures of people in different states of excitement, amusement and fear.


Raval is one of the barrios with the most personality in Barcelona, where you can find people from all sorts of origins and an amazing amount of street art.

photo barcelonaGrácia, during Festa Major

Want to get lost in a maze of colors, fireworks and dragons? Visit the neighborhood of Gràcia during Festa Major, where each street is decorated according to a different theme and the nights are lit up by the Correfocs.

About the author


Paula is an experienced content writer, translator and editor.

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