Homeowner’s associations carefully check every cost that is being made, so when it comes to hiring a professional, they must know every task and responsability.
It is, therefore, only normal that the owners of a property in Barcelona are aware of what a property manager does and takes care of exactly.
After reading this article, you will see why it is important to hire registered and expert property management services. You will also know what its functions are, in order for a property owner in Barcelona to be aware of what tasks can be delegated.
Table of Contents
6 Tasks for property management services
The first aspect to make clear, is that there is no strict regulation. Article 20 of the Ley de la Propiedad Horizontal, however, does outline the most important tasks and obligations.
📌 The law is not static but dynamic, and tasks also depend on what each homeowners’ association decides on. So what does the Ley de la Propiedad Horizontal say about the tasks of companies that offer property management services? |
1. Ensure regular functioning of the property
The law says that:
Proper functioning of the property, its installations and facilities must be ensured, and owners must be warned and noticed when this is not the case.
This means that:
The property manager is not a security guard, and he doesn’t have to walk around in the building all day and every day to monitor if there are any incidents.
But when a doorman, resident, or any other person comes across a problem, the property manager must handle it. This can be solving the problem himself, or notifying a person or company that can deal with it.
Related article: 10 Rules For Living in an Apartment Complex

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2. Making an expenditure plan
The law says that:
An expenditure plan must be made and presented to the Board, in which the necessary means to pay for them is proposed.
This means that:
The property manager has an overview of each of the property’s expenses, and therefore he must decide on the new budget for all the payments to be made. In addition to this, he must also calculate property owner’s contributions.
It’s the property manager’s task to prepare the whole financial planning, but he is not the one approving it. After presenting it to the Board, it will accept the financial plan or not.
Additionally, professional property management services include keeping score of the homeowners’ association’s account balance, and keeping the Board up-to-date.
3. Property maintenance
The law says that:
The property must be kept in good condition, and repairs or other measures that are urgent must be arranged. The chairman of the association or the Board needs to be informed immediately of any issues.
This means that:
This part of the law is different, because there is an urgency involved. The property manager is allowed to act before informing the Board.
If a serious incident or urgent matter occurs, the property manager must act swiftly, and the approval of the Board comes later. He must, of course, inform the Board and provide them with further explanations.
The law also talks about maintenance, and that is when installations are checked by official authorities periodically, as they must always be in good condition.
4. Execute orders given by the homeowners’ association
The law says that:
The agreed works must be executed and payments must be made and collected.
This means that:
The property manager is the one who is ultimately responsible for carrying out all orders given by the Board.
Generally speaking, it concerns pre-approved works being done inside the property. Property management services include making the plans for these works and the dates on which the work shall be executed.
If renovation works are more costly than expected, the property manager must officialy ask for extra budget and calculate the extra fees to be paid by every homeowner.

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Related article: 5 Factors to Consider When Buying Property to Rent Out in Barcelona
5. Secretary of the Board and document keeper
The law says that:
If necessary, act as Secretary of the Board and keeper of all property documents relevant to property owners.
This means that:
A registered property manager may function as the Secretary of the Board. He will take minutes during meetings, issue necessary certificates, and take care of non-confidential property documentation.
The property manager must keep this non-confidential documentation for 5 years. Non-confidential documents are invoices, receipts or renewable contracts.
6. Other tasks or services
The law says that:
Any task or service that is requested by the Board.
This means that:
Each homeowners’ association may demand different tasks to be completed by the property manager. These tasks may vary, depending on whether it concerns properties of permanent residency or second homes.
📌 Property management services may include many more tasks than strictly demanded by law. Negotiations between the homeowners’ association and the contracted property manager will therefore state everything that is included. |
So it really comes down to what tasks an responsibilities both the property manager and homeowners’ association decide on together in their contract.

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7. (Not compulsory) Legal representative of the property
Law 39/2015 obliges homeowners’ associations to communicatie with public offices electronically.
As a general rule, homeowners’ associations ask their property manager to act as their legal representative, taking care of sending and receiving notifications to and from those public offices.
What can be done when a property manager doesn’t complete his tasks?
Managing properties can only be done by a professional agency, so if the contracted property manager is not doing what he needs to to be doing, then it is time to find a new property manager. That is why ShBarcelona is a proud member of the Colegio de Administradores de Fincas de Barcelona-Lleida.
These are the official authorities that regulate the profession, and they are the ones that indicate and keep high quality standards. Don’t forget that when managing properties you deal with people’s lives, as it concerns their home.
Are you a homeowner and do you not live in Barcelona? Our Gold service for monthly and yearly rentals can come in extra handy, as we can represent you during annual homeowners’ association meetings. Visit the page on our website on property owners in Barcelona, and discover all the advantages of hiring an expert.
Besides being AENOR certified, this article explains how we commit to delivering quality services continuously.
If you have any questions on what tasks are compulsory when contracting a property manager, this video by our colleagues at Baeza Fincas shares more details.
- https://www.elmundo.es/economia/vivienda/2017/04/20/58f8800046163fcc1f8b4584.html
- https://www.conceptosjuridicos.com/lph-articulo-20/
- https://www.comunidades.com/legislacion/comunidades/ley-de-propiedad-horizontal/articulo-20/
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