Many parents prefer not to use nurseries if they can manage without them, but they can prove to be absolutely necessary when things get busy, especially if you and your family are newcomers to a city. Nurseries in Barcelona are always in high demand, whether private, state-assisted or public, although spots in public centers are especially coveted. Spots in private centers tend to be more expensive, but in some cases they become necessary when your maternity leave ends, for example, or you start a new job that requires you to be away from home more. Whatever the reason, nurseries are there to help, which is why today in this article from ShBarcelona, we’ll be talking about the public nurseries in each district in the Ciudad Condal.
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Public nurseries – the saving grace of the busy parent

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Obviously, the idea of leaving your children with people you don’t know is not ideal, but daily obligations leave you needing a little extra help. If a little extra help would allow you to get more done or be able to work more hours, then at least looking at nurseries in your district where you could sign your child up for a spot can be a good idea. Aside from the convenience of watching your child so you can get done what you need to, nurseries can also play an important role in your child’s future development. Depending on their age, a nursery setting can help your child to be more independent, as they are away from their parents and can socialize with other children their age, factors that are significant in a child’s development and growth. Ideally, your child can start to express their fears, tempers and frustrations that tend to come out for young kids while they are in this safe environment away from home, given you some time away from these intense moments.

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Children that are eligible for a nursery usually need to be between four months and three years old. From this age on, it’s best for children to be in a daycare, where the lessons and care are more geared towards toddlers. These classes begin in September and end in July, as with other levels of school. Some nurseries have vacation options as well, to take care of children during the months off of school. The first step to getting a spot for your child in a public nursery is completing pre-enrollment for the nurseries you want at the beginning of May before the desired school year. In order to choose the one that you want, you should visit during open house days when it is open during work hours, which generally take place between April and May. Each district in Barcelona has a different number of nurseries, and it is important to find out how many spots each of them have open for the following year as well as weigh other factors related to location and size. Once you do get a spot for your child somewhere, all that remains to be done is to complete registration in the summer, which generally takes place mid-June.
Related article: International nurseries in Barcelona
Keeping in mind that you should get in contact with each nursery to see how many spots they have by the suggested dates above, here are the number of available nurseries in each district as follows – Les Corts: four nurseries. Sarrià Sant Gervasi: five nurseries. Gracia: seven nurseries. Horta Guinardo: thirteen nurseries. Nou Barris: twelve nurseries. Sant Andreu: eight nurseries. Sants Montjuïc: eleven nurseries. Eixample: eight nurseries. Sant Martí: sixteen nurseries. Ciutat Vella: seven nurseries.
Do you take your child to a nursery or daycare in Barcelona? How has your experience been?
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