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Good to know

Barcelona for dog owners

Barcelona for dog owners
Written by Paula

Barcelona is a pet-friendly city where you will meet a lot of dog owners walking their furry friends outside and even taking them for a visit to the mall. If you are moving to Barcelona or if you are already living here and thinking of adopting a dog, here are some of the things you should know.

Dogs at the beach

dog barcelonaIt is truly wonderful to watch a dog roam wild and free, galloping on the sands of a golden beach. Unfortunately, despite Barcelona having a great variety of beaches, there are certain times in the year when it is forbidden to bring your dog with you. A law was passed in 2014, determining when dogs can or cannot be present at the beach:

Not allowed:

Weekends from April to October


1st of July until the last Sunday in September.

These dates determine periods when the beaches attract more people. Not everyone is fond of dogs, so it is understandable that they should not be present at the beach during the days when it becomes full, so as not to cause any trouble.

During the rest of the year, when dogs are allowed at the beach, you should still use a leash and always pick up the dog’s droppings with a plastic bag and deposit them in the nearest trash can. If your dog is particularly well behaved and will respond to your every command, you can let it off the leash on the beach.

Related article: Doggy Dog – Having a Dog in Barcelona

Dogs on the subway

Since October 2014, dogs are allowed on the subway, but there are a couple of rules to follow: during the trip, the dog has to wear a muzzle and a leash. Dogs cannot ride on the subway during rush hour. The only dogs that are always allowed on the subway are guide dogs.

Dogs at the parks

There are several parks in Barcelona, a number of them dog-friendly. Most of the parks have a pipican, a fenced area where people can let their pets off their leashes. Some of the pipicans have enough space for dogs to run around and play with each other, but others have a very reduced space. Another unpleasant aspect of the pipicans, is that some owners do not pick up after their dogs, which makes the area unfit for other dogs to visit.

In general, you can walk in parks with your dog on a leash. When the park is a very calm area with a reduced number of visitors, it’s ok to let your dog roam free for a while – that is, if it’s not a dangerous dog breed, and if the dog is obedient and will come back to your side as soon as you call him.

Dogs in stores and restaurants

dog barcelonaThere are several businesses in Barcelona that allow the presence of dogs. For a complete list, visit Sr.Perro.

Barcelona is taking steps to make the city more and more pet-friendly. It is our duty, as dog owners, to show others that dogs can be a part of society in a respectful, educated manner.

Be attentive when walking your dog. Don’t let it destroy public property, like digging or ripping flowers from public parks, or leave the dogs droppings in a public spaces. Always carry a small bag with you that you can use to pick up the poop, disposing of it properly afterwards.

About the author


Paula is an experienced content writer, translator and editor.

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