Siurana de Prades, simply known as Siurana, is a small village that belongs to Cornudella del Montsant (Tarragona), and is perched on a limestone rock, about 150 kilometers from Barcelona. Some describe it as the most photogenic Priorat’s village, because of its strategic position, protected by the mountains of Gritella, offering great views of valleys and cliffs and spectacular sunsets, to take a perfect picture and share the sunset with your beloved one. You can also enjoy walks through its streets that will teleport to the Medieval Times, and allow you to discover the
Onlye 20 people live in Siurana, which gives it even more charm for lovers of hiking or climbing, and makes it the perfect place for a relaxing weekend at one of their hotels or shelters. All streets and roads in Siurana lead to the cliff known as the “Salto de la Reina Mora” for the legend that tells that from there the “walí’s” (governor of Siurana) daughter (the beautiful queen Abdelazia) jumped with her white horse to avoid being subject the Christian army in 1153. In this viewpoint you can see the alleged horse footprint left before braking to the edge and let the queen fall off the cliff because of its animal instinct of survival. You can also enjoy of course the great views of the peaks in Siurana.
To find out more about Siurana de Prades, ShBarcelona recommends you to enter the tourism website in the region of Priorat, there you will find places to stay, eat or hiking trails.
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