Categories: Sports & activities

Where to take Zumba classes in Barcelona?

By now you must have heard the name: Zumba. It sounds… exotic, doesn’t it? Well, that’s because it is. Zumba is a form of dance fitness created in the 1990’s by a Colombian choreographer and dancer named Beto Perez. Beto had forgotten his tape of aerobics music and had to teach a class by improvising with salsa and merengue – he didn’t know it yet, but by the end of the class, but he had accidentally created an incredibly popular form of exercise that would rise to mainstream prominence in the following two decades.

Every week, around 15 million people take Zumba classes all around the world. That’s a lot, isn’t it? Its spread was made possible because despite Zumba being a registered trademark, Zumba Fitness, the owner of the program, does not charge licensing fees to gyms or fitness centers. Contagious music and fun exercise did the rest, with the current tendency being for it to become even more popular.

Fun fact! What does Zumba mean?

Absolutely nothing. It was chosen randomly as the trademark name for the brand. It sure sounds dynamic and fun, though, doesn’t it?

How does it work?

Zumba is a versatile workout that feels like a dance party! It’s choreographies are inspired by Latin music such as salsa, flamenco and merengue, giving its classes an unparalleled high-energy. You don’t even need to have a good rhythm. Just let go of your worries, choose the routine more appropriate for your fitness level or intended results, and join the Zumba party.

What are the benefits of Zumba?

Zumba brings the fun to cardio exercise, stepping up your heart game and burning a huge amount of calories in the process. It will also strengthen your core and improve overall flexibility.

The high-energy of this Latin exercise will help you lose weight while building muscle, lower your risk of heart disease and reduce your blood pressure. It will also help you cut on bad cholesterol while boosting good cholesterol. It is particularly advantageous for those with diabetes, keeping blood sugars down and energy levels up.

Sign me up for the party! Where in Barcelona can I find Zumba Classes?

With its huge popularity all around the globe, you won’t have much trouble finding a place in Barcelona where you can taste all the adrenaline of Zumba.

Zumbafitness Barcelona

FISIC Sports Centre / C/BRUC 24

Zumbafitness offers classes from Monday to Saturday with no reservation needed. Prices start at 6€ per class. Instructors Julia Harchakova and her partner Neil have 24 years experience altogether in the fitness world and will make sure your first Zumba experience is both fun and effective.

Can Eurofitness Cuyás

Avda. Rasos de Peguera, 242

This is one of 3 Eurofitness clubs in Barcelona where you can take Zumba classes. With the recognized quality of this health club chain, you really can’t go wrong – you can only go Zumba!

Cem Colom

Les Rambles, 18

This municipal sports center with great infrastructure is a great place for you to get your Zumba party on.

Let’s (fitness) dance!

So, wait no more. Now you know that to party in Barcelona you don’t necessarily need to go to the disco… you just need to take Zumba classes – and you can always tell your friends and family you’re just doing it for the exercise.

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Miguel is a freelance writer and copywriter who believes that words can really take you places - so hop on his words and dare to discover the wonders of Barcelona with him.

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  • i like zumba plz where is the near zumba i live in raval i need more imformesion.

  • Where in Barcelona can I find Zumba Classes?Coming to Barcelona as a tourist. At the end of May.

    • Hello Dalia,
      Please check the websites mentioned in 'Where to take Zumba classes in Barcelon?' You can find schedules, prices, etc. and if you need to make reservations in advance.
      Kind regards,

      • I stay in Gothic quarter,on fer days only. Where I can find zumba classes around this place?

        • Hello Vaida,
          Many sport clubs organise zumba classes, like Gymforless, Anytime Fitness, and Fysic Sport Club.
          Check on your map which one is closest to you and look online for schedules.

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