Do I Need a Passport to Go to Spain?

So you decided to go to Spain, and most specifically to Barcelona. Good choice! The weather is sweet, the food is excellent, the beaches are numerous and the people are amazing. If you already booked your ticket, you need accommodation.


ShBarcelona offers countless amazing holiday apartments, just make your pick. After you know where you will live during your next holidays, make sure you have all the documentation needed to travel to Spain

So what exactly do you need? ShBarcelona is here to help you and explain all you need to know before entering the country, so you won’t have an unpleasant surprise at the border.

What documents do you need to enter Spain?


Documents E.U. citizens need to travel to Spain

The documentation required to travel to Spain varies according to the country of origin. If you are a citizen of the EU, Switzerland, Norway, Iceland or Liechtenstein, you must carry a valid passport or identity card.

So if you are asking yourself: “When I come from one of these countries, do I need a visa to go to Spain?” Then the answer is: No!

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The ID of your country is valid to enter Spain. A driving license does not count as an ID here. Minors traveling with their identity cards must also present a parental authorization, otherwise, they could be denied entrance.

According to European legislation, all travelers (including babies) require a valid passport or identity card to travel.

Related article: Budget for Travelling in Barcelona

Documents Non-E.U. citizens need to travel to Spain

The first thing Non-E.U. citizens need to know is that they can stay for a maximum of 90 days in Spain, except if they are a citizen of one of the countries mentioned in the previous paragraph.

Citizens of certain countries are required to possess both a passport and a valid visa to enter Spain. For a list of these countries, click here. So If you are a U.S. citizen travelling to Spain, you need your passport and a tourist visa for Spain.

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Nationals of these countries can also come to Spain if they have a residence permit or a long-term visa issued by another EU country (with the exception of the United Kingdom, Ireland, Romania, Bulgaria, and Cyprus), and also Switzerland, Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein.

Coming to Barcelona for a couple of months?

Citizens of all other countries must be in possession of a passport and documents explaining the reason and conditions of their journey. They must have sufficient means to support themselves during their stay in Spain.

Photo via Pixabay

General information on documents

The documents to be submitted vary according to the reason for your trip. For more information, visit the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation.

We strongly recommend that you contact the Spanish Embassy or Consulate to check all the requirements before starting your journey. We also recommend that you hire travel insurance before coming to Spain.

Now that you know exactly what you need, just embark on your journey and join us in sunny Spain!

Find a fantastic place to stay with ShBarcelona

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Alix Simonovitch

Traveler and blogger, Alix wrote about the cities of Amsterdam and Brussels before moving to Barcelona 9 years ago. Writer and translator specialized in tourism and gastronomy, she wants to share all her discoveries in her new city.

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