Sant Martí de Provençals is a neighbourhood in the large district of Sant Martí, and it is bordered by the neighbourhood of Poblenou. The neighbourhood of Sant Martí de Provençals has two distinct parts.
One part is an industrial area, that, despite having some housing, is mainly designed for the flourishing industry that was created in the area of Poblenou in the last century.
The other part is a residential area, consisting of residential buildings constructed during the 70s of the last century. It is an ideal neighbourhood for people working in the 22@ district, since this is one of the areas where a vast network of technology companies and startups have established. If you are looking to rent an apartment in the district of Sant Martí, and if you are an employee or businessman in the district of 22@, this is a really interesting option for you.
The neighbourhood of Sant Martí de Provençals is an industrial and business zone, that has hosted one of the most important startup centers in Europe, the district called 22@. The neighbourhood combines industrial warehouses, that have been chosen as headquarters for newly started companies, with large housing blocks.
The area is well connected to the city centre by subway and bus. There are also tram lines, and although there are not many shops in this neighbourhood, the neighbouring districts of El Clot and Poblenou have many.
More and more you can find restaurants and bars in this area, with a special menu for the employees of established companies. This has led to a huge increase and more variety in the culinary offer.
In addition, the apartments that you can find here are varied, from medium sized apartments to design lofts, that have been reconstructed in old, small factories or commercial premises that were no longer in use. The area is ideal for people who work in any of the many companies that have started in this area, or for entrepreneurs of small startups.
It can also be very interesting for freelancers or self-employed people, who need a space to work and live, since there is a very varied offer of commercial premises with housing included and even a backyard.
Therefore, architects, designers or lawyers can find the neighbourhood of Sant Martí de Provençals an ideal place to have both their company and their home at the same place.
The most interesting thing to see in the neighbourhood of Sant Martí de Provençals is the district of 22@, which extends through several neighbourhoods.
This area is one of the most innovative business locations and a reflection of the creativity and hunger for innovation of both local and international entrepreneurs. Therefore, the neighbourhood of Sant Martí de Provençals is ideal for modern people with a taste for technology and for young people who wish to start their professional career in one of the startups in this area.